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Member Since:Oct 26, 2010
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BMA -the bullshit management academy
Reviewed Bangalore Management Academy-Bangalore
Hi guys, I m an alumni of BMA, (2007-08 batch), I know this college from its start... it was started on the name of BHartidasan college’s new chapter.... justRead more...
Applied labs fraud
Reviewed Applied labs
Applied labs noida is a fraud institute. I joint it 4 SAP course. they ve a girl named Dolly who is after ur life for money.submit the fee and fee and fee. juRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on own review
and dude I heard BMA ppl r keep coming 2 my city 4 admissions.......i ve contacts in media.........this time i ll go with media personnel to their admission location and expose their reality to students......and if i get ajith i ll kick his @#*!...........
Commented on ravi440's review
this is a fraud inst. guys ,dont join..........and dolly if u reading it then i screwed u and ur ideotic inst.,i exposed u ppl............never mess up with students coz they can build u or break u..........
dude ,last year bma started pondicherry univ. mba...all bullshit... i think bhartidasan one ll b distance degree... check with univ. and even at my time they hired new placement team ,that stupid uma arya came bt nothin happened..only good thing in bma was few good faculty like rao, doss,nambiyar bt Read More...
hahaha...guys look at d spelling of career , its written as carier which is behind in d cycle... and guy is working in ibm...hahaha,ideots....dont join applied labs...
Commented on molyan's review
hi,applied labs is a fraudulent institute, and they r many like them... good sap institute is jkt but its expensive... they r authentic ,take full day classes,and one is in malviya nagar ,i forgot d name, they charge around 65 k.... so decide bt dont go 2 this applied labs...
hahaha, i know how many IBMers have come out from this fraud institute.. i m sure u must be a staff member writing praises about them... i m not alone who suffered due to theit unethical practice ,there were many students in my batch who lost their money and got screwed as well...
ya javeed ,agreed,its d short one... but sufficient enough 2 show the reality of applied labs 2 people... and in case u or anybody wants 2 know more then feel free 2 contact me further...
Commented on satplam's review
hi guys , i m an alumuni of BMA,(2007-08 batch), i know this college from its start... it was startd on the name of BHartidasan college's new chapter.... just 2 give students a fake impesion of supported by a top 20 mba college... many students fell in their trap... they r 2 bastards runnig it ajith Read More...
BMA is a fraud,run by frauds ...
Rated on satplam's review
they just conduct fraud interview,they put theit ppl as HR of company , they faculty is a bihari ,does not teach any thing, he worked as enduser and say did 3 implementation,rascal... go 2 noida branch and see it urself....
i know how many got jobs from this fraud institute... all that list is fake one...
Rated on prasoon1102's review
Commented on prasoon1102's review
BMA sucks, its bullshit management academy......
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