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Member Since:May 20, 2017
180 MS Points
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Never expected this speed
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 Max
I just purchase this phone 2 months earlier and the specs seemed to be legitly good but after using the device for sometime it became really slow it performenRead more...
Reviewed Snapchat
I am using snapchat since some months its a good app and is addictive.The best part is earning snap score.just. Click some photos send it to your friends and Read more...
Get good quality music in cheap
Reviewed Boat Rockerz 400 On-Ear Bluetooth Headphones
I bought these headphone for rs.1300.When I recieved the head phones the first impression was good, I was delited with the design of the headphone, they look Read more...
Why not to buy One Plus 5
Reviewed OnePlus 5 128GB
One plus 5 is a great phone.being the first phone with 8 gb of ram and snap dragon 835 it is really very snappy and even smoothest working phone I have ever uRead more...
Reviewed Motorola Moto G4 Plus
Its bee 1 and a half year I have purchased the phone.It stucks sometime but in this rate this is the best you can get I have tried many cheap phones by lenovoRead more...
Alert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed Ebay
Never buy from ebay.When I first time visited this website it seems that the products are very cheap.A big question flashed in my mind? How these product hereRead more...
What the hell!
Reviewed Lenovo A6000 Plus
I started using this phone one and a half year before, when I started using the phone the experience was good but later after some months it started getting sRead more...
Best camera i have ever seen
Reviewed Google Pixel XL
Google pixel is a quite snappy phone works fine for me.The google assistant is just awesome.Some fetures of google assistant just work on pixel.The speakers aRead more...
Best e-commerce website
Reviewed Amazon
Amazon is a International chain of e commerce website and is most awesome website I have shopped from I shopped from flipkart, snapdeal and also ebay but amazRead more...
Not expected this from bahubali 2 !!
Reviewed Baahubali 2: The Conclusion
The movie was great!The secret was not leaked before movie released and every body was exited to knowwhy did kattapa kill Bahubali?The movie was gRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on utkarshbansal198's review
You can not blame snapchat if you can not use it
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