I have always wondered as to why all news in India - TV Channels / Radio / Print is so politically oriented. Pick up any newspaper and the first few pages would talk about politics, as if there is nothing else in the world to talk about. Only in recent times has cricket also taken to the front pages.
Being the daughter of a diplomat, I was living at Tel Aviv in 1990-91. Those were the times of the Gulf war and I was just 11. I remember a horrific day when there was major bombing all over the night at Tel Aviv and lots of life and property was lost. The cover page of the newspaper the next day had and old man plucking flowers. That has a bottomline about life at 80 for the old man. There was no mention of the blood and gore on the first 2 pages. The same news as presented as just one news item somewhere inside. This is the difference in the media and the people I thought...and still think.
India is truly shining now, more thanĀ ever before. Why do we still litter the frontpages of our news papers with the cauvery water dispute, or the latest cheap publicith campaign by Bal Thakerey, or by the proceedings of the hooligans in the parliament?
Why does the media not look at the nation positively?
I though this could be a good forum to talk about it, hence posting the same.