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By: maaz_nawaz | Posted: Dec 23, 2013 | My Thoughts | 1285 Views

Dear MS Polls Are Popular

In today’s time when most of the News Papers, Magazines & News channels are giving importance to polls & many important decisions are taken through the polls. Recently Arvind Kejriwal's Aam AadmiParty(AAP) threw it open to an opinion poll, asking the people of Delhi to decide whether they should form a minority government with the support of the Congress or the BJP.

Dear MS it is very sad to see the Polls being removed from the Mouthsut’s front page.

I do agree, all the polls are not useful but they are fun & entertaining. Personally I think the best way to engage people is to ask a question. Polls are simple way to interact with members. Polls also serve as a great way to tap into the members interests and can help determine whether one should devote more resources to particular topics.

A recent poll conducted by Truth shows that, after decades of controversy, it has finally been established that polls effectively convey public opinion. In recent years, multiple media outlets have called into question the usefulness of polling data as a way to make decisions. The poll shows that 92% of people believe polls to be accurate sources of public opinion and fact. Only 5% believed this to be untrue, with 3% refusing to answer.

In this social media age, it’s the content remains king not the frequent cosmetic changes. Make sure you're providing the interesting & informative content. If you aren't using little space on the front page for polls to engage committed and potential members, you're losing a prime opportunity to engage active members.

Finally like Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Admi Party, let’s ask the members whether they want Polls on the main page or not. Hope it will help the MS Team to take the decision.

Do you need Polls on the Main Page?

Dear Members kindly share your valuable views on polls. Thanks a lot.

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