Fragrances attract me from a very early age. I inherited this from my mother whose days were incomplete without ‘attar’ (non-alcoholic fragrance). So, when I came to my senses, I made it a point to apply perfume on a regular basis. During my school days, perfumes formed a major share of my expenditure. Then, somehow as college life started, I was drawn more towards deodorants than perfumes.
During my engineering days, my friends used to tease me because of the habit of using deodorant daily. These were friends who used deodorants occasionally, like for a party or get-together. I often clarified that I use deodorant to remove my body odor, and not as a perfume.
Now, I’ve almost forgotten how once upon a time I used to “love” perfumes. In fact, it’s been decade since I last purchased a perfume!
In one of those blank-staring reflection sessions of mine, a thought flashed into my mind that a certain class of people in this world are also divided into two categories- Perfume People & Deodorant People. And I felt at ease that as per my logic, I belong to the latter classification. Let me try to share the basic difference of these two categories.
Perfume People: They attract you at the very first sight. They seem to be the best persons on the earth. But in reality they may have some not-so-good qualities which they always hide behind a facade. Likewise, with a perfume. Perfumes are applied on clothes and add on to our personality by way of an additional super-attractive fragrance. It does not tackle the odour but just tries to overpower it by good fragrance. Once that fragrance ends or when the clothes are changed, you get to smell the real person.
Deodorant people: They may seem unexceptional and may not attract you at the very first sight. But as you get to know them, they are usually a different personality altogether. Their main motive is to remove their bad qualities and they are never concerned about garnishing themselves for show-off. They always start their day with hope of being fresh and energetic till the end of the day. And this is not done for others, but to basically make themselves feel good. Exactly how the deodorant works.
It’s upto you to decide now whether you are a Perfume person or a Deodorant person. Think about it…