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By: Dumblamb68 | Posted: Apr 10, 2010 | General | 278 Views

Today when so many shopping malls, supermarkets and hypermarkets are opening up, each one is competing hard for the customers' money. There are more choices available for consumers than ever before. In such situation retailers must develop business strategies that focus on creating as well as maintaining customers, one by offering customers a differentiated shopping experience. Merchandising and display are important issues that need serious attention in enhancing customer shopping experience.

Such big retailers spends lot of money in getting high traffic location but if customers don't find anything systematic, unique and attractive, they may just pass away from the door or if visited will try some other place to shop next time.

Merchandising is much more than simply the arrangement of products on the shelf, it is also about understanding the way customers shop.

Hand written boards, posters covering the door and walls, lack of lighting, untidy displays convey that you are not serious about business. So retailers need to create an environment that not only attract customers but also give feeling of comfort and satisfaction, which act as inducing factor for their next visit.

Following are the tips to make customer shopping an amazing experience for them:

Store Front and Windows:

If the store has big front and windows, retailers should exploit it by putting creative displays and offers. It may include sale announcement, about any new product introduced, or about new season's collection. Any information to be put on front should be attractive and in accordance with cultural norms.

Product placement in store:

Put the most popular and latest products in front. New products which are attractive and create interest in the mind of customers should be put in the most visible place. Don't try to keep every thing on display. Keep the display clutter free.

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