Date 26 Nov 2008 ,Time 9:30 PM when whole country was busy in celebrating Indian Cricket Team's fifth consecutive win over England,no one was expecting a inhumane terror attack on Mumbai .It was totally shock that a city where life never stops will handicapped for 60 hrs. It was totally bloodbath at three high profile location namely Hotel Taj ,Hotel Trident and famous Nariman House .
Terrorists came along lots of explosive .They were using high technology weapons like AK 47,handgrenade .From they attcking style it was clear that they were not novice rather than highly trained fidayeen .
At first they start firing at Victoria Terminous ,well known railway station with large crowd.
Police guess that they attcked at VT because there were good chances of massacare due to lot of passengers were there.
After accomplising this they captured a police vehicle and started firing at innocent people .Around 50 people lost their life .Later it was concluded that their intention was not just killing a particular person or community ,they were here to kill people without discrimating age,sex,or person profile.
At that time every one was thinking that it would be a gangwar between local gangs,but after some time later when they entered in TAJ and started firing all around,then police come into action and start cross firing.Till then whole country knew that it is attack on mumbai and it is going to last for some time .
VilashRav Desmukh CM Maharastra contacted Central Goverment and ask for highly trained NSG commando,who are best commando in country.Meanwhile terrorist started to kill hostages mainly foreigner.Many eminent personalties lost their life.Relatives of person ,who were at Taj that time were speechless in panic.Relatives were just praying to the GOD for their safety.In order to spread devasatation ,they set many hotel rooms on fire.
The Taj which was monument for all indian with 105 year of glorious history .Now just loosing its charm and spelndour .