Here is my first diary and I wanted to be cry baby. I wanted to cry about dreaded Mouthpad.
It’s been more than 2 years here at Mouthshut, lots of things changed (I have seen 4 different versions of look and feel of the site), lots of new features has been added, and lots of new member joined and lot of them left too (this is 4th or 5th generation of MSains I am living with) but one thing is never changed – My hate relationship with Mouthpad.
Being a movie reviewer, lots of time I wanted to review world cinema. Believe me or not, first thing writing movie review here at MS for any non-Indian movies comes to my mind is NOT thoughts about movie but whether same movie product exists or not here at Mouthshut. After initial experience, I never wanted to go through dreaded Mouthpad to request any movie products. If you have ever requested product through Mouthpad, you know what I am talking about. It’s a game of patience and unhurried approach. Lots of times MS team takes forever to process Mouthpad requests. Sometimes it gets processed after a month and at that time, thoughts about the movie or product you wanted to review is already evaporated. I have even heard that sometimes even it takes more than year after member already became inactive.
I wonder does Mouthshut team know about it? I wonder how many employees are processing mouthpad requests or is there any dedicated full time employee processing mouthpad requests? I wonder how much research they need to do to add a product or category? I wonder how many requests they get in a day?
Mouthshut Content Team, Any idea, how to solve this problem?
One thing what MS team can do is create a MS request status page in community center where you can see how long approximately it will take and where your request lies in the long queue of Mouthpad request. If content team is not fast enough, it will help reduce stress level of MSians. Hope someone listens from MS team.
P.S. This is my frustration of requesting “Howl’s Moving Castle” more than three times in last two weeks through Mouthpad and it’s still not added as Movie Product.