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By: Shalu.D | Posted: May 26, 2010 | General | 1287 Views

It’s kind of funny how we keep reading or hearing these new terms nowadays – all of them synonyms for some kind of bad behaviour but with a slightly respectful twist.

Bad and rude driving is now ‘road rage’. Overtaking from the wrong side? Making rude gestures? Getting into physical fights over the smallest of bump? Not uncivilized behaviour, just ‘road rage’.

Celebrities caught cheating on their spouses blame ‘sex addiction’ for their misdeeds (as if that absolves their unfaithfulness). If that’s not enough, they get admitted to sex-addiction clinics to prove it. And walk out supposedly cured. Of what, I wonder. Having sex?

In the good old days, the one who stole things was called a thief. Not any more. ‘Kleptomaniac’ sounds so much better no?

Indecent dressing is now ‘bold’ dressing. Indecent language is ‘bold’ language. I guess if the movie ‘Indecent Proposal’ is remade now, it will be called ‘Bold Proposal’.

Being disrespectful to elders or seniors used to be a serious offence in the not-so-distant past. Now the guilty is dismissed as ‘irreverent’ or ‘cheeky’. What used to be a rude comeback is now a ‘smart answer’.

I guess it shows a bit on the society we live in that ‘Bad’ isn’t so bad anymore.

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