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By: psyxx | Posted: Feb 07, 2009 | Musical Lists | 1044 Views

I'm not a big believer in Valentine's Day because love, friendship etc. should be a 365 day affair and not constrained to an outburst on one day and blahs for the other 364... still...

If I had to compile a set list of 13 songs to play on the day... here are my picks:

  1. I Miss You - Incubus

  2. Always On My Mind - Elvis Presley

  3. Fields Of Gold - Sting

  4. Eternal Flame - The Bangles

  5. Far Away - Nickelback

  6. Slave to Love - Bryan Ferry

  7. Father Figure - George Michael

  8. Dream a little dream - Mamas and the Papas

  9. Love Me Do - The Beatles

  10. Play Me - Neil Diamond

  11. Iris - Goo Goo Dolls

  12. Amarantine - Enya

and my all time favourite - Hawkmoon 269... with lyrics that go...

Like a rhythm unbroken

like drums in the night

like sweet soul music

like sunlight... I need your love... I need your love...

Have fun


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