SPAM is a global passtime. Very soon, it will become incorporated as an integral part of the "fundamental rights of a virtual human being". You probably think I'm joking, but I'm not.
Over time, things do change. Remember 1960? Love marriages stood out like a pea in ice cream. (Does anybody even use that metaphor?). Change is a part of life. Like it is true for atomic systems, it is true for you and me- we are prone to migrate from order, sensibility and wisdom to chaos, obnoxiety (hey they say anxiety!) and profound stupidity. It happens.
In a way, it should happen.
Trick Question:
Can you have a SPAM diary post?
All anti-SPAM initiatives fail because you always develop some or the other way to SPAM. I'll give you a small example. People who used to call up and say, "Good morning, I'm speaking from Robbers Bank and would like to dupe you into losing all your money in return for some lousy service". And somewhere halfway in that sentence, you'd say, "No, I'm not as stupid as I look, because I know that Burglar's Bank makes me happier for the same shi*t".
Now they call up and say, "Good morning, Mr. Stinker, I'm the jacka$s from Robbers Bank and I know that because I know your name and because I spoke to you in a very flirtatious voice, I know you'll give me your money, secretly hoping that I'll give you head in return."
The key is, since he knows your name, its not easy differentiating a SPAM from a Referral.
Trick Question
Would you classify "Hi there, that was a very good diary post, and needless to mention, I'm writing this from my pot" as SPAM?
The little trouble we have with SPAM comments, SPAM diaries and SPAM reviews is that when you write them, you can dress them up so damn well that one doesn't even realise it's what it is. That's partly the same way you ended up getting married. (I know I'm offending many people when I say that, especially wives who went shopping yesterday, but sometimes you can't help admitting it, right?).
Imagine that you were to find a review written by FreemantleFacade on "Goa" that's basically how he enjoyed getting drunk and smoking up with women that subsequently looked attractive. Is it a SPAM review? Technically, it's listing one aspect of things to do in Goa and probably describing locations. (There are people who think shacks are locations). The line between SPAM and "creative freedom" is very fine.
All in all, you can't really take a rough stand on SPAM today and expect your stand to endure the test of time. (Rephrase that: "I can't stand to take this stand because my stand may not stand the test of time"). Tomorrow, you'll be outdated and either stand up later on your own palm and say, "Times change so we change". (That usually means, "I was stupid yesterday"). And to go a step or two to delete SPAM is going a step or two to put yourself in a position where you have to say, "I was really stupid yesterday".
Trick Question
Do you think an email from a web based consumer interaction forum about a competition they're having on reviews written on "Money Hain to Honey Hain" is SPAM?