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By: thealchemist768 | Posted: Mar 22, 2011 | General | 459 Views


When I first landed at Mumbai at Dadar station on 27 march 2008 I had my own doubts, fears and curiosity. From land of silence I was going to be part of sea of humanity.

But as someone said that “Jindagi ek nadi ki tarah hai jo apna rasta dhoondh hi leti hai” slowly slowly I started coping up with this city.

I started living with my own pace which is thankfully not that slow as compare to pace in Mumbai.

The unique style of living makes Mumbai a different city to live. That’s why it is often said that Mumbai person can’t adjust at other place and it is difficult for outsider to adjust in Mumbai.

The life line of Mumbai is Mumbai local with out which this city will come to stand still.The journey in local is itself a experience which luckily or unluckily , as my office is located far from my place, I am supposed to experience everyday.

Everybody who is traveling by local has their own strategy,own style which if not executed will makes that journey of a hour painfull.

Lets look at my strategy well I usually catch local from Vashi, place I m residing at 841 hr so if I don’t reach p f at 829 then my chances of getting “GOOD SEAT”(I will explain it later) are slim.Because at 830 hrs one local from Panvel TO VT comes and people from station just before Vashi will crowd this 841 train.

Two stations coming on my route decide crowd in my local which I named based on their nature as “Mankhurd ka Tufan”-U must not come in way of crowd at Mankhurd ,next station to Vashi ,otherwise you will be forced to do all sort of yoga asanas and other is “Deadly Kurla” either people crowd here in train or all of them get down at once.

This city changed my definition of vacancy – for Mumbai vacant thing means any space unoccupied irrespective of size of potential occupant. So, other day it happened that 2 of

Mumbai hero were hanging outside window of crowded local which annoyed person sitting inside, at window.The rush was such that no body can be accommodated but for this Mumbai man 2 boys can easily be “adjusted” so he said”bahar kyu latak raha hai andar khali pada hai” I can’t hide my smile on his sentence.

So what is good seat in local? well on each seat 4 people sits ,as u know the population in Mumbai, so if I get seat at window and next to it, it is good seat, 4th seat which is half ,I termed as RAC-which gets confirm when at least any one of your 3 co-passenger oblige and get down.

The various groups formed in local and their endless get together during local journey really fascinates me where people from all walk of life become friends and only that particular local is common point. These groups even celebrate birthday in train.

Another eye catching feature in local is bhajan mandali so when I get “opportunity” (means seat near them) I have nothing but to listen to them as it is hard to listen songs on mobile amidst their bhajans.

Another surprising element of Mumbai local is vendors in train who are selling items which u never dreamt of, like some beads which if kept in water grows in size. A notebook page which u can wipe clean after writing, 50 p chocolates and what not.

Money matters everywhere but for Mumbai local this rule doesn’t apply I m quite surprise to see that in Vashi local first class ,which is 10 times costly, remains full in single min of train arrival, people are standing although second class is empty ,hope u judged correctly it is because of –“mankhurd ka tufan”.

The other thing which makes life entertaining here is its radio channels who are belting out same nos “n “ number of time with all sort of bakwas by RJs but it is good timepass.

Although from their appearance and acts each mumbai person seems to be rigid, selfish and pre-occupied with himself/herself but deep down they are very good human being who are eager to help and co-operate. The crime world associated with Mumbai makes individuals to act rigid and selfish to safe guard themselves so if u win their trust they will open up.

But the thing which I liked about this city most is its “never say die” attitude. You can see all sort of people irrespective of their religion, caste, status, age, gender; physical capabilities and income are able to make living. This city embraces all and makes room for everybody.

I will share my other observations later.

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