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Member Since:May 29, 2018
210 MS Points
Automobile Engineer and the great cricket lover
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Nycil keeps you cool anytime
Reviewed Nycil Cool Herbal Talc
Nycil cool talcum powder is the best talcum powder for the summur season which prevents from rashes and heat causing germs It has the cool menthol and healthRead more...
Johnson's soap for deligent and safe of the babie
Reviewed Johnson's Baby Soap
Johnsons Baby Soap is the only soap in market whic has been sucessfull from olden days to nowerdays This product is the most trusted brand for its amaziRead more...
Dettol - Live in hygined life
Reviewed Dettol Soap
Dettol is the best soap which is famous for its highly hygine properties and ingrediants which helps us to feel clean and hygine everytime after wash or bath Read more...
Medimix - Perfect Ayurvadic soap
Reviewed Medimix Soap
In nowerdays people need quality than the quantity of the product And we all expect instant result feom face problems like rashes, pimples, dark spots , wrinkRead more...
Vicks is the best value for Money
Reviewed Vicks Vaporub
Vicks is the most trusted and loved brand in all over india from long time It has many products regarding relief to cold and cough This product Vicks VaporubRead more...
Move your pain by Moove Spray
Reviewed Moov Spray
Moove spray is an best pain relivers in tha market right now conditions of the generations which relives any pain instantly When there is an pain in muscles Read more...
Parachute is now advansed with something HOT
Reviewed Parachute Advansed Deep Conditioning Hot Oil
Parachute is a best and most used oil company from a long long time It has been very successive in the fields of coconut oils manufacturing companyThis ParachRead more...
Inhale The Real Magic to Cold
Reviewed Vicks Inhaler
Vicks Inhaler is really a good product by Vicks comoany By which anyone can use for the cold and cough It really helps to breath easily from blocked nose in cRead more...
Very colorful Family Entertainer
Reviewed Colors Kannada
This channel was being watched by my all house mates from my childhood In those times famous seriels are Jogula, Maneyondu mooru baagilu and the most watched Read more...
102 age is just a numbur
Reviewed 102 Not Out
102 Not Out is an well concept movie, written by Soumya Joshi And Amithaab bachan as an old man of 102 and Rishi kapoor as his son. This is the story of 2 oldRead more...
Awesome time passing game
Reviewed Teen patti - Indian poker
Teen pathi is the best indian poker which includes some rules as the card A is the highest rating point and the card K is the second highest rated card and foRead more...
COC the addictive one
Reviewed Clash Of Clans
Clash of clans is invented by the team called SUPERCELL In Finland. Supercell do have other apps and games like Hay Day , Boom Beach which are alos quite famiRead more...
Feel the realastic cricketing experience
Reviewed World Cricket Championship 2
World cricket chamionship 2 is the best app for the cricket lovers This game is the top rated game in the cricket field It consist of realastic features and mRead more...
Pogo the loved chanel of cartoons
Reviewed Pogo TV
Usually channels of cartoons and chold shows used to watched by kods but now a days even the adults and majors are watching cartoons expecially Pogo becouse oRead more...
Amazon.in #he hamaari dukhan
Reviewed Amazon
Amazon.in is the best and the safest website in indian shopping websites It has a vast numbur of products and evry produt that u buy is tested and rechecked fRead more...
TVS jupiter with extra features and benifits (zya
Reviewed TVS Jupiter
#tvs jupiter is the best and the good scooter with the advanced features and benifits for the betterment of the people with just handy rate of around 50, 000 Read more...
#wynk the music for life???
Reviewed Wynk Movies
Wynk music is an good music app for the latest songs and news Songs playes an important role in feelings of human biengs And the content and the system in wynRead more...
Indian super hero -PADMAN
Reviewed Pad Man
#padman is an wonderfull drama movie with akshay kumar and sonam kapoor , The film goes with the marriage of akshay kumar and sonam kapoor After a marriage akRead more...
Its truely rebel for love ???
Reviewed Baaghi 2
#Baaghi 2 a must watch movie , With action king tiger shroff and disha pataani , Which includes realastic fights and thrillers A film goes with the story of aRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Sukhwant Dhariwal (@as1922MouthShut Verified Member)
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Arkay (@RxonlineMouthShut Verified Member)
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Pokkisha Posha (@pokkishabMouthShut Verified Member)
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