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Member Since:Jun 03, 2023
20 MS Points
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Reviewed Bhanzu
Update: Refund provided after much deliberation. Updating the review with the latest accordance. I am waiting for a refund from Bhanzu team for close to 1 moRead more...
The worst maid agency ever !
Reviewed Hire-Maids
I am a working parents with twin daughters and stay in a joint family with my in-laws. Hence it was difficult to take care of my elderly in-laws who are also Read more...
Commented on hituyogesh034's review
paid fake reviews. ignore.
Commented on keyurm35's review
Absolutely true Keyur. They are definitely cheating people and they are doing it in a planned manner and unscrupulously. Lets educate parents to stay away from Bhanzu.
Commented on rahulsaha1's review
Paid review. clearly.. Stop the fake reviews.
Commented on shreyagupta205's review
Absolutely true Shreya. They are definitely cheating people and they are doing it in a planned manner and unscrupulously. Lets educate parents to stay away from Bhanzu.
Commented on mehraanita's review
Absolutely true.. they are having paid reviews all over the place. We need to stand up and unsuspecting parents should know of their evil ways of extorting money and leaving students high and dry in terms of knowledge imparting. Lets stand up together and teach this mafia organization a genuine less Read More...
Commented on Jay162's review
Rated on Jay162's review
Commented on own review
Pls stop paid reviews. this is a cheater organization. Request parents to stay away at all costs.
Rated on keyurm35's review
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