Eddie (Robert De Niro) is a celebrity cop, one of those guys that the local media has potrayed as hero, and who lets news crews accompany him on busts(thats the only funny scene). When hes called to the scene of a suspicious fire, he takes the case from the fire departments own arson investigator, Jordy (Ed Burns), a rookie who still believes in human kindness and decency. Eddie also takes all the credit in front of cameras when it was the fire dept who really got all those evidences. In short Eddie is a high profile cop who tries to use TV more than it uses him to feed its hunger for real-time shock. While Jordy boy doesnt watch TV & hates all this limelight stuff.
Meanwhile 2 dudes-Emil and Oleg, land up in America(no prizes for guesses the tourists r from Eastern Europe) to meet their partner in some crime who had managed to escape to US with the money while these 2 jerks ended up in jail. On finding out that their friend had already spent all the money Emil ends up killing him alongwith his wife & burns up the place. Oleg meanwhile has bought himself a videocam & wants to make a movie of their trip & records everything. But there was another girl in that appt who witnesses all this & runs away. What happens next is search for her by both the COPS & these 2 jerks.
While these 2 dudes r killing people & watching TV while not killing people they realise how easy it is to pimp the american legal system- kill people & get urslef a pcychiatrist to declare urself as insane. And if u manage to kill a celebrity then life is made...movies , book deals, talk show & what not. So what they do is keep recording whatever crime they commit so that they can seel it to some TV network.
Now what happens next is for u to find out as I dont wanna give it away for u .
Like a lot of others, I rented this movie because I dig Robert DeNiro(and the trailors on USTOP 10 was impressive too). But he just delivers what he is expected to. Hes there, says his lines a la DeNiro, but never acts, which I think has become a routine as I havent seen a vintage DeNiro performance in any recent film since Casino. Besides the film is not so much about him but about these two dumbasses going to America and killing people.
The bad guys are totally overdoing it, being complete jerks for a few minutes, then intelligent cold-blooded killers .In the beginning it seemed that they were nervous about the first murder, but the they all of a sudden seem to be enjoying themselves running around carelessly in a big city like New York.
Its just an okay movie . For a reguler movie goer it is a good movie only but for me these things dont work anymore. Besides the theme of the movie has been told before by OLIVER STONE in Natural Born Killers. Mickey and Mallory for me anyday.