Some one said, there are many kinds of books, ones which have to be read and forgotten, some which have to be read and eaten and some which have to be read, eaten and then digested!
Selecting books as 5 best is nearly impossible because each book appeals in a different way to its reader!...Also, I would like to clarify that my review does not even have an iota of prejudice. It is simply a tribute out of all the books, which I have read till date. And do educate me if I have missed out on any!
1. A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemmingway
Vocabulary fails to provide any word for this novel! I have read and re-read it...but each time it throws different aspect of philosophy at my face!
The novel deals with an ambulance driver Henry serving in the Italian Army during WWI and Catherine Barkley, a nurse at a British hospital nearby the front.
Catherine is an unconventionalist and the hero of the novel.
Henry, her lover, is shown struggling with the philosophy of
life, which he is begining to explore.Its a beautiful book, which shows the indifference of nature and the hostility of life. Hemingway portrays both the characters are fighters, with no miracles but their inner strengths and acceptance as their saviours!
Its commendable how this book starts preparing you for itself! The descriptions and also the humour shows the life in the novel.
2. The Good Earth - Pearl S Buck
It is a story of a peasant named Wang Lung in China and his family. The intricacies of this farmers life along with his sons and daughter is shown in the book. Wang Lung rises to become a wealthy and influential family head. This books throws enough light on the day-to-day events of their lives..his new born babies, the good harvest, the hard times during the famine.
This book exhibits the savagery of an army and the way his family makes an escape. Later, his eldest son becomes a Big Revolutionary against the army that attacked his village. Pearl gives you description for each character in a way, which makes the character just stand in front of you. She also seems very vivid with the romance and the physical aspects of love!
This novel has all the ingredients of what we today call as Ekta Kapoors K mania. Pear S Buck handles all social topics with an ease, which shows how deserving she was to get the Nobel.
3. Hunchback of Notre-Dame - Victor Hugo
Simply said it is a Love Story of its time!
The novel revolves around Quasimodo, the hunchback of Notre Dame in Paris. Its starts of with the mob bantering Quasimodo for his ugly appearance and jeeringly elects him as the pope of fools!
It is about the unconditional love, which Quasimodo has for La Esmerelda, a gypsy street dance who was the only one to offer him water while the mob hated him. Quasimodo has always been made a subject of hatred for no apparent fault of his.
I would love to disclose the plot but Id rather not. This novel deals with jealousy, distrust, malice, ignorance but above them all it speaks of love. I was moved when I was done with this book and even now when I think of heart skips a beat!
His another book, les miserables happens to be equally moving and gripping.
4. David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
There are number of books written by this phenominal author. Also he happens to be my favourite among all. I like his sense of humour, which he uses to build up all the situations and characters in his books!
This book is a story of David Copperfield following him from his childhood to his maturity. Charles has never failed to touch the reader with his wit and pain. David doesnot have a very comfortable childhood as he is haunted by his evil step-father Mr. Murdstone. David finally runs away to his Aunt Betsy Trotwood. This novel has Davids friends and enemies making a reappearance in the book, which again is Charles Dickens style.
David Grows up to becomes success in his life. Apart from his life story, which will for sure grip you....this book has twinge of tragic events as well. All the disheartening events
This book is much above just being an autobiography. This book gives us a philosophy dipped in Dickens wit. This book happens to be Charless favourite.
His other work, such as Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, The Pickwick Papers, Tale of two cities are also good.
5. The Razors Edge - W. Somerset Maugham
Little should I say about Somerset Maugham. He has simple been a master of his work. And not once has his books failed to move me! There is a huge list of them all.
It is more of a conglomeration of various characters and their quest for meaning in life. The protagonist Larry Darrell secludes himself of all materialistic pleasure and visits India in seeking the true meaning. He meets up with a Maharaj (a saint) and experiences enlightenment. the other characters in this book have either been picked up by Somerset as a mirror image of few people he has known.
This book goes forward to strengthen Somersets belief in being an existentialist!
Happy Reading, Friends!