Hello friends,
I have completed reading this book, around one month ago. It talks about 7 habits which can make you highly effective. But if you are thinking, you will just read this book, and will become effective in one day, Dont go for it. These habits are easy to read but very hard to develop. To develop the 7 habits, you need to practice them daily, again and again. So that, these become part of your life. You need to be patient and consistent while learning these habits.
Language is a bit intellectual. But with simple examples, author has tried to make it easy to understand for laymen. However, if you dont often read philosophical books, you may need to read it more then once, in order to feel authors point of view.
Why should you read this book:
If your not happy with circumstances and the incidents of your life, go for this book
If you are confused about the aim of your life and they way you should live, go for this book
If you are not able to manage your activities effectively, go for this book
If you are a looser in life, go for this book
If you think that nobody understands you, go for this book
If your are not in peace with people around you go for this book
So just go for it. Its a must read book.