Just something to say to all the people who were critical about this movie. Movies are for entertainment purposes if you cant enjoy a good hindi movie then im sorry to say yall are one depressing lot of people. I thought this movie was a good one time watch. Anyone who goes into a hindi movie with a name like aashiq banaya aapne ahs to know that it is for entertainment pusposes and cannot be viewed with a critical eye. Im sure all the critics will agree that while the movie lasted for those two hours they loved every minute of it and only after that did it strike them that it was pretty bad.. wasnt such a bad movie and what takes the cake in this movie is the soundtrack...its amazing...
alright sometimes you do wonder how tanushree dutta and sonu sood ever became actors but come I mean look around you, if john abraham, aishwarya rai, vivek oberoi, fardeen and zayed khan could become actors then anyones got a chance.