Both Amitabh and Jaya Bacchan play famous singers in this classic. Unfortunately Jaya is a better singer than Amitabh, and Amitabh cant handle this fact. His male ego is insulted. Jaya , as a submissive wife, tells him over and over that she wont sing if he says he doesnt want her to. Amitabh Bacchan cant do that. At the same time, he cant shake off his jealousy of her either. Things get worse and worse, until finlly there is a reconciliation. Both actors give a good performance. So does Bindu, who steps out of her usual role to a certain extent. The songs are classics just like the movie. I thought the movie was a little on the long side, but it isnt too bad. I really wanted to get in there and shake Amitabh Bacchans neck. the character he plays is profoundly unlikeable, and the problem is hes the main character. The ending was sweet but ambiguous in a way. Buy the DVD. If you hated K3G, you will like this movie. Abhimaan is not for people who are into commercial cinema.