I had my salary account with ABN Amro bank on the basis of which they offered me a FREEDOM card, with no annual or other fee.
Basically, all cards are same, they provide same 55 days credit period at maximum. Where they differ is in sending statements to customers in time. Most customers never remember their billing cycles and dates. And non availablity of statements in time adds to problems of those customers. Banks impose heavy charges on late payers.
ABN AMRO is one of the banks that never sends statements in time.
You WONt find their ATMs normally... There is, I suppose, just one ATM of ABN AMRO in whole East Delhi.
Please do read the following incident that happened to me: One month I was amazed to receive a statement with some insurance charges around Rs 275 towards my account. I called them up and came to know it was an optional scheme or something. I asked to discontinue immediately. Still I received next 5-6 statements with late fee on that insurance amount WHICH I NEVER WAS SUPPOSED TO PAY.
At last, one day, I was surprised to find that after 6-7 months of this issue, the bank deducted the card amount from my ABN salary account although it was not linked to it. I had to fight for 7 -8 days on phone banking to get back my own money.
I CAN PROVE bank was at fault because they can only deduct from ones savings account if it is linked to card. And in linked cards, they have to monthly deduct. It cant happen that they kept waiting for 6-7 months and finally decide that since the card has a linked account, lets get the money from there if the customer is not paying. ABN Amro is a REAL CHEAT BANK. CUSTOMER SERVICE IS PATHETIC. AND NOT ENOUGH ATMs