Last year( dec 2020) I purchased adda 247 test series package as a complete ( Bank Prime) package. As silent features suggest it contain all upcoming and on going exam test series with current pattern exam base test. I gave various mocks. One thing I realised that the test contain same pattern questions in reapted format. If you open sbi clerk prime it will show you same test for sbi clerk prelims and mains as well. There is no updation in test series. Lots of new notifications are came but there is no test series are updated. Repeated question, lack of updation, very slow process, charges price are high. Its Better to purchase other test than adda. Please update your test series as we already purchased 1 year subscription. 1st update your test series, 2 nd prices are to high as compare to other test series. Please adda 247 update GA question in test series. There are many channel provide you complete 1 year test package under 600 Rs. so I suggest you all not to buy adda test packge go for other.