Synopsis :
Good customer Care.. Cancelled wrong order in min. Delivered product in 50 Hrs.
Actually none...
Less payment options, COD @ few cities only
Full Story :
I decided to buy Huawei U5510.
Then searched on 91 Mobile, Adexmart has very competitive price, also in-transit insurance is included. So decided to order. When I tried to pay net banking My bank is not listed very less banks are there in EBS + Adexmart Payment Getway... So tried to order by COD Again my city Aurangabad MH is not listed. Thought adexmart is not good one ... but competitive price stopped me. In mean while I have created 3 orders with status awaiting payment status....
Called customer care responded well good support cancelled all my previous orders in a min. I grabbed friends net banking id pass & ordered .. on 6 th sep at ~11:30AM.. received product in perfect original condition condition. Now @ 8 Sep 13:00 in 50 Hrs...
Tried Lest Buy, Tradus & HS18 5+ days for Aurangabad this is fastest delivery. So praise adexmart for same. Courier is QUANTIUM... Not heard before Supports tracking may be new player...