This review is about Airtel 3G datacard launched in Jan 2011.Mr Sunil Mittal should be executed and but behind bars, how could he cheat by selling product giving speed in Mbps, though the product never reaches Mbps and hardly goes to few kbps.
I havent got a chance to use the product, but adding the clarity to tariff so it doesnt come as shock whoever buys it.Datacards are bought to get internet while travelling\roaming across country.
Now airtel is charging Rs 15, 728 per Gb while on roaming and the free usage of plan doesnt count on roaming.
Note: Yes it is fifteen thousand INR per Gb of download.
With speeds of~3-7Mbps, few Gbs would be a normal download and thereby creating huge bills if the person is on roaming.Reliance datacard doesnt charge extra on roaming and is good enough for browsing usage.
Airtel is charging high on 3G data card roaming usage.Whats the point in buying a airtel 3G datacard then. Airtel is always about favoring high tariff and creating monopoly. on 3G only on airtel 3G network
» Free data usage available in 3G data pack not applicable while roaming. Browsing charges of 30p/20kb will apply
i.e. Rs 15.36 per Mb
Rs 15728 per Gb
I have bought Airtel 3G on Feb 3 and activated on Feb 4, after clarification from Airtel that free data usage in Airtel Network is usable on roaming but the exp is very bad, it s*cks!
Here is the Airtel 3G feedback.The speed is contradictory between Airtel and speedtest and the VPN connection doesn’t work.As of now, I won’t recommend buying it.
At the same time, Airtel Connection shows speed in shows speed in Mbps.
VPN connection happens but could not connect to the servers.