Airtel mobile operator is the worst operator . They are offering 4g networks where their 3g networks are not working properly . Networks are getting worst day by day . And the best part is there customer care executive dont reply properly . Either They put you on hold or cut the call .
There call rates are so high students cant handel it easily . and nowdays they have started one new thing when you make a call there is a speech of 20 to 30 seconds which is not needed at all. If sombdy is in hurry or stuck smwhr then this makes us so annoying .
I live in kolkata where my husband is using airtel 4g and m using 3g airtel and both of us are so disappoint that at home we cant even make call or use its data because signsls are so weak . I have to change it to 2g then only I can easily talk .
Please Airtel help us we live kolkata howrah do make a response.