Airtel could be a leader in telecom landscape. But when it comes to banking business which is a different ballgame it would have been better if they had roped in a competitive operating partner to manage the show.
Right from KYC onboarding, dispute handling, robustness of the system to handle transactions, reconcilation process for the settled payments, dispute handling, refunds and chargebacks besides every other aspect of the banking system is being witnessed with a flawed implementation of an incapable support center system.
As a few others reported the number 400 remains unreachable most of the time. Though there are a few email addresses for support lines beyond the usual case number generation(automatic), a user can not expect any resolution because the support center is not capable of comprehending the same.
It is high time that Airtel surrenders its banking license and sells of the current banking operations to a suitable banker and exit the business.