In the beginning I was very hesitant to buy stuff online. There are certain items that are not easily found if you go looking in shops; I used to search many shops to find such products ending up not finding it and even if found, it wouldnt be of the desired quality. So one day when I searched such product on Amazon, I was amazed to see many such products are available and with various quality levels and with reviews from buyers. I was doubtful about receiving the product at my doorstep and about the payment process but the cash on delivery system is what I liked. I tried Amazon by making a purchase of a less expensive product and after the successful delivery, it all became a usual thing for me now to buy stuff online. Household stuff, electronics, cables and many kinds of stuff are now very easily available on Amazon at the comfort of my house. The delivery is always before the scheduled time and the prices are lesser than other online shopping sites. One can clearly see that the prices are lesser than other online shopping sites.