Hi readers, Today I like to share my experience with amazon.in - a online shopping giant! My relation with amazon.in started back in 2014, almost 2 years ago, when I made my first purchase on this website. Since then I do purchase for my every requirement from amazon.in only. I feel very easy & comfortable while shopping on amazon.in due to its uniq website design, good navigation system & detailed product description. Its simple but details interface keeps me going very easily through the millions of products. In these years I have purchased so many things/ products from amazon .in i.e. from shoes to pendrives, recently I had purchased Kindle Basic 6" e-reader. In all products I had purchased never observe any discrepancy at all. They always maintain there product quality, excellent work! Amazons customer support is also excellent as compare to other shopping websites or service providers. Few days ago I had purchase on ebook for my kindle & observed some difficulty while downloading, upon contacted to amazon.in they do apologize & as per my wish they return my money within 24 hours & they keep in my touch for this period. Very very genuine & supporting customer support.! One another thing attracts me is the delivery performance!. with me they have 100% on time delivery performance record, even in some cases I received my products well before contractual delivery dates, really impressive! In now days amazon.in is the most reliable, with huge product range, good delivery record & excellent product quality online shopping website in indian market, I proudly recommend it to my readers!