My partner David & I took a much needed city break to Amsterdam from Belfast. I cant say l was overly excited about getting away - but when l got there l realised that l really did need to get away from daily life! So we put the cat in the cattery (she was not happy l can tell you!) and got ourselves to the airport!
We took an easy jet flight straight from Belfast International to Amsterdam Schipol (or as we affectionately called it SH*THOLE!). The flight was 1 hour and 10 minutes and passed without hicup. Once we claimed our bags we headed to the main lobby and bought tickets for the train into central station - again straight forward enough. At the station - we asked for directions to our hotel which was in an area known as Reinbrisnplien - pretty central apparently. We were told it was 10 minutes away - so we will walk - BIG MISTAKE!! We should have got a taxi - walking with luggage and only a vague idea of where you are headed is not a good idea!! Well we live and learn - we caught a tram back to the station when we were going home!
I booked the accomodation over the internet having found an excellent dutch site - We found a hotel in our price range and so it was booked - easy. The hotel was 180 DG a nite for the room which included double bed, bathroom, tv, telephone, minibar & hairdryer. The hotel was clean, breakfast was contiental but sufficent to get you started. It was called Hotel Atlanta if anyone is interested! Everyone spoke English and it was a happy hotel! The decor was rather like a scene from Faulty Towers - but the hotel was clean! I must warn you about the stairs - they came as a shock to me - they are very steep and very narrow - so beware!
Really and truely the only way to get about is on foot. So be prepared and wear flat shoes - Amsterdam is largely cobbled and not good for heels of any kind.
You could also consider the push bike - this is where the title stems - they are everywhere and they do not stop for no one - not even at pedistrain crossings. I found this out the hard way when l was mown down by a push bike - but please dont be too concerned l only have a bruise to show for my debacle!!!
Trams are another favourite mode of transport in the city - they are everywhere - and so you should watch out for them when crossing roads in the city. The are excellent value and stop at all the central points.
Of course there are also taxis - but l cannot comment on this mode of transport as we did not use such.
I would note that although the cobbles are not overly wheelchair friendly, as long as you are in company and have a friend willing to help you will be fine. I would be more concerned with harrow door ways and steep stairways - please bear this in mind if you are a wheel chair user.
We were only in the city for approximately 2 days so we did not see all on offer. My main area to see was Anne Franks House. For those visiting at this time of year please be warned GO EARLY - you will avoid the queues and school children. This was the home of the Jewish diarist Anne Frank who did not survive the war and her diaries were published by her father - the only member of the Frank family to survive the holocaust. To put into words my visit to the house is not really possible - the house is though provoking and emotional to say the least and l would recommend it to ANYONE visiting the city.
The canal boat trips are another excellent way to see the city. Numerous canals are housed within the city and they give an excellent and relaxing overview of the city. I indeed found it so relaxing that l fell asleep!!
There are numerous other attractions including - the Van Gogh Museum, Remrandt House, Vondelpark, Amsterdam Zoo etc etc - and l for one intend visiting again so that l can visit these attractions.
There is also the Red Light district of the city - this must be seen to be believed!! As prostitution is not viewed as a crime in the city, legal brothels exist - l recommend a trip down here after dark - the area is not fully of sleaze - l found it funny to be truthful!
Of course the other thing Amsterdam is famous for are the coffee shops - and there are hundreds - pick one close to your hotel is the only advice l am giving you!!
I was very surprised to find that the shopping in Amsterdam is amazing with streets of shops full of high fashion and designer labels - so those of you out there who love to shop the city really is for you too!
I almost forgot what about food? Well the usual KFC, Micky Dees and Burger King can be found, but l felt the city had an international flavour and this was most definately reflected in the cusine on offer - Steak Houses, Indian, Thai, Chinese, German, British, French etc etc were all on offer.
If this has not convienced you to visit the city l do not know what will - l thoroughly enjoyed the trip and you can be sure that l will be visiting the city in the not too distant future.