I have been following this site for over an year. After much thought I decided to vent my frustration after reading many disgusting reviews on doctors.
I am a doctor practicing in Chennai. In this site only negative reviews are thought to be authentic. When somebody says a positive aspect, people pounce on them. All these people who are blaming on corporate hospitals are themselves responsible for the sorry state of affairs that exist today. They dont even want to step inside a govt hospital for even a small ailment. All the advanced facilities are available in govt hospital at a nominal rate. So why not go there? No you wont.
I deal with so many people everyday who demand for a CT for a simple headache. Coz he or she reads up everything in the Google, which gives you mostly superficial information. So a doctor has to prescribe some tests or drugs which are totally unnecessary. Else people think that you dont know anything. Its a rat race literally. New diseases are evolving. The classical presentation of any disease is no longer applicable. Doctors stand on fire everyday, every second. Wish there was a rewind button in life, where we could go back 40 years, when the doctor patient relation was too good.
We sacrifice our family and social life to ease your pain. Our social life is screwed up. Am not supporting any doctor or hospital in this. These are just my feelings. Even after reading all those comments on us, AM STILL PROUD THAT I CHOSE THIS PROFESSION. WILL NEVER REGRET IT.
I dont bother what comments I get