Iphone 7 is Apples latest product. Apple launched 2016 in month of september.
Now coming to features. Iphone 7 features almost equal to iphone 6s. Iphone 7 contains 2gb Ram. The rare camera is 12 mp and rare camera is 5mp.Camera quality very nice. The vedio recording is 1080 quality.Battery also we can use full of day.
Mainly the updated feature in this phone is that Air Pods. Iphone 7 doest have 3.5 jack. The another main thing, it has a streio speakers. The sound clarity is very well.
This mobile avaliable in Jet Black, Black, Gold, Rose Gold and silver also. Red colour also avaliable in iphone7.
This mobile a little cost. Jet black colour is very nice looking in iphone 7.