Best phone which I used from last 1.5 years , I like to use Both Iphone and android bt seems I am using this phone as my Daily driver, I Change or use may phones bt I dont chang this phone Because of Its best performance ,
it seems it dosent lag in performance not even when I used it with many apps and attanding calls playing Games For Hours ,
its my Best buddy I use it wid me in workouts , teaks , rides , and many more .
a genune Rewiew from me
1.Sound Receptions
Voice Quality is Good , You can easily talk even in traffic , in train in Public places
2.Camera Performance
Best Camera Performance you can take videos even in working , videos are satble and more clear, Best potrate mode ever Best 4k Quality images, can take good underwater photogarphs , but u cannot use tuch in water , And low light images are poor .
- Style and Desing
apple Has always A same Desing , but in this case it is more Tough and more Unique With the Back glass desing It provides more toughness and support Wireless Chage.
bt apple must improve the screen body ratio this time , bt the glass back feels more gloss and more screchless.
4.Other Features
It provides much batter disply than last time the colours are more vibrant and Eyechatching,
also the Virctual reality is good feature ,
u can also measure many types of components .
- Look & Feel
Always Good in look , And feel like A regid Thing , it was heavy than Last iphones may be because of glass back . But feels like Awesome.
- Value For money
This Question is always there , is it walue for money , may be it is Because apple provides the Best thing . I thik it is Value for money , But Apple must provide Good Accesories with it .