When Apple launched iPhone in India, I was the 12th customer at the Airtel Outlet in Kolkata to buy the new phone on the day of launch in India. I was elated at that time to have the possibly best and latest mobile phone of the market. That was in August 2008. The phone worked fine till April 2009(8 months) when I had to shift to Switzerland for a month for some work. The temperature at that time in Switzerland was hovering around 7-8 deg C. The phone stopped working within 7 days after reaching Switzerland. I came back to Kolkata in May and showed my phone to the Airtel outlet and they send it to Blore for repairs only to be said after a week that this phone has suffered from water condensation and is now irreparable and I would have to throw it out cause water condensation is not covered by warranty. (I also carried a Nokia along with me to Switzerland but that one was working fine). Apple said that this is usual as in cold countries the room temp is around 25 deg C whereas outside temps are very low.
On a good gesture Apple replaced my phone but I had to pay Rs.13, 000/- to Apple for the replacement (compensation?). After this incident I have never taken my phone to any other country ( I frequently visit European countries on work related issues)
Still my love for Apple did not die. I continued with my iPhone.
This year again the same problem has happened without me taking the phone anywhere. Contacted Airtel, they said that due to this intense heat wave during the summers in Kolkata, water condensation has taken place in the phone as the phone had to shuffle between air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned environments in Kolkata.
If this is the quality of iPhone then it needs to be reviewed that exactly where can I use this phone : in cold or hot climate? Perhaps, in heaven where everything is ideal.
The service personnels have also complained that they are disgusted with the dismal quality of Apple in India and they usually dissuade persons from buying iPhone as they lose customers once they buy an iPhone and problems are frequent with this phone even after 2/3 months of usage and they have to bear the brunt and accusations of the dissatisfied customers while Apple does their business. It is worth mentioning here that you have to service your iPhone through Airtel/Vodafone outlets and not through the Apple outlets.
The future customers of Apple needs to consider this if they want to buy new iPhones. This is probably why iPhones are so rare in Indian markets.