Hey... its an Ipod.. so do not ask me what did it cost me.. its gonna be expensive... to be frank I didnt mind paying 17grand for this baby.. I was looking at sony network walkman too but it had a really small screen and somehow wasnt very compelling... I needed a player that made a fashoin statement too..
i mostly use it on me long journeys on my bike... listening to linkin park or rang de basanti... whatever you listen it sounds as if its performed live...
hear it to believe...
the click wheel just amazing technology on this piece of marvellous instrument.
its an mp3 player that has by far the best audio quality possible.
the only drawback is its camparatively low battery life 5 -8 hours .. based on usage.. after a little practice and arrangement of playlists I am getting approx 8 hours of batt life..
works very smoothly with itunes..
and the 20 GB is very useful as a second hard drive to transfer files from your friends computer...
the 5 G video is a little too delicate and thus I am happy with my bulletproof(kidding) 4G model...