Hello this is all about Apple ipod touch 5th generation, and One of the best thing about this ipod is, it is available at low cost that anybody can purchase specially apple lover. Affordable phone, I had purchased it around 10months ago and no complain to write. It is designed with great specifications and model. The model is so attractive that it draw attention of everyone at one look. This is my second Apple product and now also happy to use. I recommend this pod specially for those who are looking for pods at good price and budget under 20k. I liked its blue color which is very attractive. Ive bought apple for the second time that is incredible. It has thin size and 4inch display i.e neither so big and nor so small. It is a handy ipod. 5MP camera captures pictures with good quality. It doesnot damage your eyes and not high contrast. It is comfortable to read, use and operate. It does not give strain on eyes. Quickball feature is amazing, instead of using keys of your phone you can use it on the screen itself which inlcludes screenshot option, lock screen, back, recent tray and home screen options. It is available with 32GB as well as 64GB and this is sufficient to store and no need to expand. This specification at such cost was unbelievable but it actually has and so I appreciate this company with this product. The model is so light weight that no worry about keeping in the pocket. What you will like about it is you get earphones with the device itself which are of great quality. You get one year warranty for the device and 6month for the accessories you get like charger and earphones. This phones is available at many online store also at offline stores at affordable price of 18999/- and vary accordingly. Designed very well many functions and features. You must be thinking about the cost but trust this product as it is a brand and ipod is quality product of apple. Also 5th generation is faster and more effectively in operating.