I was looking for a birthday gift for my cousin.And then I thought of bags(precisely school bags). I went through different brands, especially suiting kids with their appearance and colour. I looked for Archies as it is quite popular amongst kids. I finally hit an order on an online shopping site for a red coloured, extra large bag.Its logo was in rubber.
When I received it, it had no good impressions.The Jacquard material bag wasnt that great.Colours and looks of the cartoon characters were good though.
The overall bag quality was pretty decent.I had no hopes of this bag surviving even a year.After 7 months or so, my cousin had to buy a new one.The bag had faded off and even torn from the bottom.Even the two zip compartments had to be replaced once as the zips came off.
I was quite disappointed with this stuff.Didnt expected such a low quality from Archies.The bag even after discount was quite pricy.Although it has a beautiful collection of cards and gifts, still this department is where it doesnt stand out.