Soft drinks, what a wide range of liquids can be categorized under that name!
Anything from water to poppy fizzy stuff.
So I guess Ill begin with.Soda. You know, the poppy fizzy stuff, made out of carbonated water, sugar, artificial this and that and preservatives. Need I say anymore? How can this possibly be healthy at all? Youre thirsty, you grab a coke, you think youll quench your thirst. Wrong! The sugar will just add to your thirst. The artificial whatever and all the preservatives will just sit around in your body like a disease waiting to happen. The sugar will sit on your teeth and wear away at the enamel until it causes cavities. And, youll still be thirsty! I guess soda rates a NO.
Next, on to fruit juices. Healthy? Yes and no. Granted, you get vitamins and minerals from fruit juices. But, alas, fruit juices can also cause tooth decay if you dont brush your teeth after consuming it. Fruit juices also do not quench your thirst. The natural sugars in most juices make you remain thirsty too.(But still a better choice than soda!)
Moving along to sports drinks..(I wrote a review about these.) They are only good to replenish your body of the salt it loses after working out, playing sports or exercising. They too are loaded with artificial ingredients. But are far better than sodas, and a bit below juice on the health scale.
Then you have the junk drinks.Kool-aid and such. Plain sugar water with no natural anything! How can 1 ounce of colored powder, mixed with 1/2 cup of sugar and a quart of water have any health benefits? Beats me.
So, now we have the only soft drink that is 100% natural, and has no unpronouncable additives.water! Nothing beats water. It quenches your thirst. Doesnt add calories. Doesnt promote tooth decay. And its actually good for you.
Remember, your body is made up of 70% water. So it makes sense that when you sweat it out of your body, you should replace it. It also helps your digestive system. Keeps your inards regular. Replenishes the moisture in your skin. And when served icy cold, tastes great!
So theres my opinion on Are soft drinks healthy.
Im not saying never drink anything except water, Im just stating the facts. Most soft drinks are not healthy. But, if taken in moderation wont really do you any harm.