I was just thinking of something that could be useful to all you people, I dont know if you have ever heard of it at all, but I know most of you reading this probably use or have used napster before, if you do you will probably understand the two word sentence transfer error where the download of an MP3 song has failed, and is really annoying when you have waited around 20 or 30 minutes for the song to download and then you have lost it to the incomplete folder and you have to start all over from scratch. But there is an alternative for you, my favourite music site: https://audiogalaxy.com
Audiogalaxy is similar to napster apart from it is a website rather than a program, all you need to do is register then download the audiogalaxy satellite (which is less than 1MB in size) and you are ready to go. I think there are lots more songs and files than on napster and numerous of the same file to choose from, to find the song you want you use a search engine type search bar on the website.
The factors that make this site better than napster are that the annoying transfer errors dont happen anymore, even if you disconnect from the internet you can continue from where you left off with the download. Another great feature is that you can queue up the songs you want to download -> when you search for songs to download them you click on a little satellite button next to is name and the song gets added to your satellite queue, this feature can be used so you dont have to keep frequently visiting the site to choose new songs. This is aided by being able to limit the number of songs you can download at a time so that the downloads dont take too long, the downloads work in the background and automatically download one at a time so as long as you have logged in and you have songs in the queue you dont need to do anything else and can get on with other good things on the net such as earning MS points by writing reviews on your absolute favourite site Mouthshut.com etc.
I dont know if I have made the site sound good or not but it is well-worth a good look whether you have napster or not because I have napster, and since I have started using audiogalaxy it makes napster look like a dinosaur.