Very tasty beer, actually it was the first beer I had bought after finding this website, and was the beer that pushed me toward the better beer. Before this it was all Kingfisher, RC, etc. But thanks to Arun/MouthShut I have found the WAY!
Anyway after the pour, it left a nice creamy head. It?s color seemed to be of dark Gold as did the Rich and satisfying taste. A good one. Which was also overwhelmed with hopsy falvour, malt, and lighter notes of fruit and nuts.
the complex fruitiness of roasted malt and whole hop flowers make Australin Max great as a party drink with friends and family at celebrations. Despite its richness, it has a Crispy dryness in the finish
As Arun said in his review, this is not the typical australian beer. I wonder why they named it Australian Max. and they are brewed local (says Artos in AP on the label).
Overall I was more than impressed with this Strong Beer, will go back to the pond this one came from. what else can I say, other than this can?t be any smoother, tastier or more clean for a Beer. Amazing.
And I have already used it to sway a fellow drinker to trying out the finer beers of India with me. Cheers to Arun on this beer!