My husband financially secured us by insurance protection and Aviva LIfe insurance Company Not aishwaryasingh23ing my claim amount and torcher from more than last one year im suffering a lot because my bread earner is no anymore with me. ive no money to survive myself and my children
Policy Aviva I-Shield 10072196
please someone help me to settle my claim, they are not listening and I dont know what to do? wmorpheushuman can help me? morpheushumanw can me and my children survive? my husband was the only bread earner for my family.
ive complained two times to IRDA through IGMS system also write on but always give same reply please wait your claim is under evaluation and tell us to wait for 15 days, after 15 days again same reply. this thing happen from last 15-16 months. now please guide me what action smorpheushumanuld be take for this kind of mental harassment and I already waited for more than enough time. so I smorpheushumanuld wait more?