The author is a trainer by profession and had the limelight movement with fire walking session with the team. Something unbelievable – That’s how he motivated to walk barefoot on the burning coal. This book touches on the techniques to make sure we achieve the specific results without much of jargons.
We are all born with infinite potential, still we can find two kinds of people – ordinary employees working with employee mindset and extraordinary leaders working with entrepreneur mindset. The difference is ordinary people believe that they are just doing the job whereas the extraordinary leaders believe that they own the organization. The diffidence is Employee Mindset Vs Entrepreneur Mindset. A leader always works with the entrepreneur mindset and takes ownership for the organization. Ordinary people are less productive because they are poor time managers; leaders are super productive because they master time management. Positive Attitude and High Energy are the two great forces that drive Great leaders. People may or may not give up to their desires, but hey never give up on their expectations! Expectations are stronger than desire. High expectations gives high energy to leaders. When things become must for human beings, it gives them unlimited energy to achieve what they want. High expectations lead to higher performance and higher results. The quality of life will depends on the amount of pressure you can handle. The lack of visibility can make life really difficult. The quality of our life depends upon the quality of our communication skills. The source of power and energy – taking 100% responsibility – positive or negative. Responsibility Formula is, Situation(S)+ Response(R.)= Results(Re).
Leaders have a magnetic charisma that gets them huge following. Consistence results will be able to create charisma. Charismatic leader keeps commitments. Prioritization makes life simpler and less stressful. The level of your leadership is determined by the number of people who trust you. The trust bank account has two ways of depositing and withdrawing trust; Cash= communication, cheque= commitments. Create a strong rapport with each team member.
Emotional intelligence is about having the power to manage your emotions by choice. The quality of our feelings is controlled by the quality of meanings we make. What we feel creates action and these actions produce results. Focus refers to your thoughts and imaginations. There are three powerful ways of changing the emotional patterns – Meanings control feelings, physiology controls emotions and Focus control emotions.
Beliefs are vital for tapping into our inner potential and realizing our visions. Imagination is the power that fires our beliefs. Success is not only by chance, it is also a science.
Value – The source of power. The source of unlimited power is consciously working as per our highest values. Whenever we work as per our highest values, we automatically have access to all our internal power resources like - hard work, sincerity, Dedication, creativity, focus, confidence, inspiration, motivation, patience, sensitivity and abundant energy.
In each chapters the author has simple questionnaire to create awareness on where we stand, a very simple yet effective techniques which can easily be adopted and implemented.
This book is a good read.