Hi readers, I am customer of Axis bank since last 7 years, there banking service is excellent! no doubt about that! But they offered me credit card almost 2 year ago.! with max limit of 50, 000 rupees.
Most of the time I avoid to use this card, but in between demonetization period I used this on petrol pump for fuel. I had purchase fuel two times of 400 & 600 rupees respectively. When I saw my credit card statement, it shows debit of Rs.411 & 613 for same transactions. Upon contacted bank employee told me that these are taxes applicable to transaction, though government had clearly said that there will be no taxes will deducted on use of credit / debit cards for the same period! Its really sad! I didnt expect this for Axis bank.! One more thing I like to tell to Axis bank credit card holders, AVOID WITHDRAWING CASH using your credit card, sometimes cash penalty can be higher than amount you borrow! And I had gone through same situation! Please dont withdraw cash on your credit card in any circumstances!