Our company has switched salary accounts 6 months back from ICICI to Axis bank. Axis bank person recently came to our company offering credit cards for all the employee. Almost all applied for it even though everybody have other cards. I also accepted to take as it is a VISA card as I am currently holding MasterCard from CitiBank.
For no reason, they rejected all the applications. My credit score in CIBIL is 800 which mean excellent and every month my salary being credited to the account. I called customer care couple of times to make sure what happened. I really dont care card not being given, but I felt bad of rejecting the card without showing proper reason.
Surprising is Axis bank looked at my CIBIL record 2 times in a week and rejected it without showing any other reason. CitiBank and ICICI updated my credit score to excellent on continuous basis. Here, I need to mention I am customer of CitiBank Gold CreditCard for the last 2 -1/2 years. I felt Citibank service is really good. Be aware before anybody wasting their time to apply a credit card with Axis bank.