Baby Driver is directed by Edgar Wright and stars Ansel Elgort(Baby), Lily James(Debora), Kevin Spacey(Doc), Jon Hamm(Buddy) and Jamie Fox(Bats) and follows the story of a getaway driver, Baby who relies on his music soundtrack to be the best at his job. Baby ends up falling in love with Debora and decides to leave his job as a getaway driver for Kevin Spaceys Doc. Edgar Wright is one of the best directors working today and his quick editing fast paced style shines in Baby driver. Ansel Elgort is amazing as Baby and pretty much all characters are well cast from the partners in crime Buddy and Darling played by Jon Hamm and Eiza Gonzales respectively to the maniac that is Bats and the Mastermind Doc played by Kevin Spacey. The dialogue in the film is very well written, especially the conversations Baby and Debora have are so well written that you wouldnt think two actors were only pretending to be in love. The romance felt real and it was very sweet. Every character was well realized and had interesting and distinct personalities. Jon Hamms buddy was a cool dude and Jamie Foxxs Bats was nutcase and Im sure everybody whose seen Baby driver hates and Kevin Spaceys Doc who is shady and manipulative. Now lets get to the real meat of this movie and that is the Action. The chase scenes and shootouts are masterfully directed in Edgar Wrights own Amazing style which is a lot of fun to watch. The chase scenes are definitely one of the best in hollywood. They are exhilirating and immerse you into the film thanks to some great cinematography. And last but definitely not the least, the music and my god was the music spectacular. Each song carefully handpicked by Edgar Wright himself is weaved into each scene seamlessly. Music plays a massive role in Baby driver. One could say the music is a character in itself. The entire movie follows the beats of the songs. Baby drivers soundtrack has some awesome songs that I still listen to and recommend everybody check them out. The blend of great music, impressive visuals and impeccable cinematography make Baby driver a masterpiece and probably Edgar Wrights best film to date. Ive already seen it twice now and Im sure ill be watching it a bunch more times because its that awesome. I do have one issue and that would be the slightly longer run-time. The movie feels a bit long, not a lot but just a bit. Thats my one gripe with Baby Driver but it doesnt stop me from giving it a perfect score. Baby Driver gets 5/5 stars.