I have purchased the Bajaj Discover 110CC bike in 2007. I had loved the title Hamara Bajaj. The look of Discover is surely amazing. I use my bike for myself and never give it to any one to ride!!
I have travelled 29800 KMs on it. I have been taking it to the autorised doctor !( Service station) regularly as per the Users Manual. When I gave it for servicing at 29800KMs, I was told that the piston bore was to be replaced !!!. I shiverred as the bill was Rs.4300/-
I enquired about the same problem with other usrs of the same bike and also Hero Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki. I came to know that the piston bore come for replacement only after 90000 KMS. I am not satisfied with Discover 110CC now.
I have spent nearly Rs.10000/- till date to get my biker serviced. It includes dealer service charges, spares etc.What should I do to claim this spent amount? at least Rs.4000/- , the piston bore problem!