Im abhishek from bhubaneswar. im studying . I was using a hero honda passion plus which gave me a stunning mileage of 70 kmpl in city within economy speed. but this bike is not for me as im speed enthusiast. I decided 2 go for a bike which is based on performance. I had 3 bikes in mind- apache rtr 180, karizma zmr, & pulsar 220 dtsi.
I was a fan of hero hondas quality but still pulsar attracted me bcoz it had all the features that are in zmr except fuel injection in 17000 less money. who needs a fuel injection on a 21 ps bike. I got the 220 in june 2010. I was very impressed when I took the 1st ride from showroom 2 home(abt 8 kms) the engine was very smooth and pick was good. I got no issues till 2nd servicing in 2 months. after the run in period ended, I wanted 2 experience the speed in it. oh it was so nice. it easily and smoothly touched 110.
after 3 months of purchase the bike started showing its true colours. the results of my wrong decision were
1-bike did not start when on gear, despite having fastest bike, I still lag behind becoz I waste my time in changing the gear 2 neutral.2- whatever my speed was the speedo showed 0 kmph.3-i filled my tank with petrol of rs-500 but still the fuel gauge shows only one level bar.4-whenever I took it over 4.5 k rpm the bike roared like some1 is it from behind.5-when I return from my college(16kms away from my home) I need a moov massage. severe back pain.6-the engine started vibrating at 50 kmph on 4th gear.7-and the disk brakes- wah wah ! it is even worse than the 240mm disk of honda unicorn.8-the handling is bad. despite being the fastest, I cant go faster crossing others. I did it better on my passion+.9-due to the powerful light, the battery was weak. it struggled durin start.10- 1st it showed 30-32 kmpl in city which was impressive, but latel it gave me 26-28.11-the chain made a KHHRRRR like sound after every week altough I repair it everytime.
THINGS I LIKE ABOUT P2201-good pick up you can rush away on highway.2-it looks macho if you wear a formall shirt with hands fold, a denim jeans & a cool sun glass girls will definitely give a look at you. but you cant disagree that it is hard 2 find from back side that its a 220, 200 or 180.3-the high beam headlight, you can give a rude reply 2 some 1 who is coming from front with his lights upper beam direct into your eyes.
so finally I sold it in january 2011 to one junior sMr_customtakeouternt of my high school. I told him many lies about the bike such as mileage-40kmpl, self start very powerful and many more.
a week later I booked a new ZMR and got it in 2 days, it lacks in pick up from p220 but p220 in not at all comparable to it when it comes to smoothness, comfort, fuel efficiency, technology. now I have done 4000 kms on it. 2 services has been completed. it gives me 37-42 kmpl in city and a stunning 45 kmpl on highway if driven @ 75 kmph constantly. the gear box is very fine n smooth. the sitting position makes the bike a true combination of tourer, commuter, sporting.the fuel injection make the drive pleasurable. my back pain is no more since I use this. im going 2 post a review very soon.
guys I was a fan of hero honda engineering and honda quality but the false promises of bajaj made me mad about pulsar. so ill like to tell you that the proverb is true that QUALITY NEVER COMES CHEAP.guys if you only want raw speed & dont care about vibrations, sound then go for 220. if u are a calm and cool guy must go for zmr. if your budget opposes you from buying zmr, you can have a KARIZMA R or APACHE RTR 180. but I wont recommend 220 for any body.