Hello everyone. I bought my pulsar 200 As on June 25-2015 and my bike is gonna be an year old very soon. It has done 8500 kms. It is an eye catcher on streets and highways, has good looks, immune power, great handling, performs well on off road too, no vibes on higher speeds, an excellent tourer for a bike enthusiasts! Tyres are the draw back as it doesn\t have good road grip & no stability on wet roads! My pulsar gives a mileage around 35-38 in city and above 40+ on highways. Projector headlamp and high beam lights are awesome as it gives a great visibility in night too as a rider should not stop his adventure during night times. I would recommend all the viewers that do not give your bike at bajaj service centre(the mechanics are freshers here not professionals) as their service is poor, give your bike at your personal mechanic, and guys till 3000 kms do not go above 60- 65 kph, make sure you use a good engine oil, the best one is MOTUL 7100 20W50 for smooth functioning of engine, clutch, gears as it increases your bikes durability. \nTreat your bike as your partner or wife don\t treat it as a slave!Use a proper gear, wear helmet and RIDE SAFE! Thank you