I am using pulser 150 dtsi after one & half year. It was excelent bike. When iam purchasing pulser my father told me purchase the any hero honda bike but i am purchase pulser. Now i am very happy. It was very comfertable & easy to handel. It was such amazing bike. I like to biking on my pulser 150 dtsi.
It was excelent bike in the world. But some time it should creat some problem to back seat person but it should be very comfertable for the rider. It was good looking as compaire to thr hero hond karizma. Ists pick up was excelent.
when you rare stop on signel. When light was green then it should be talk with the air. Its disk break was excelent. Its head light was very good. And its parking light was amazing. It road clearance was sufficient. It have the wing ofair to fly in the blue ske with very high speed. The suspension should be great.