Gita is holy book of hinduism it transmit the message like no selfishness, no angryness, not abuse, not to cheat and do what you want to achieve instead enemy is your brother or rituals.
Lord krishna explains this gita to pandva Arjun and krishna was also his helper to drive the wagon of horses. There are eigthteen chapters in gita whixh signifies the 18 days war of Mahabharta at Kurushetra.
The hole reason of Mahabharta was insulting princess Dharopati in front of crowd which was shameful act.Korav was hundred brothers and one sister where as pandva was only five brothers whos names are follows Yudishter, Arjun, Bhem, Sahdev and nikul . Korav was son of king Dhristrashtra and gadari whereas pandva was song of kunti.
Another important character of mahabharta was karan who has a lot of issues with Arjun and ready to fight with each other, they both are real brothers but they dont know.
Please read this holy book my humble request.