# I am crazy for souths movies. Specially Mahesh Babus movies. Bharat Ane Nanu movie based on our politic. In this movie Mahesh Babu also played a CM roll whose father was a CM and he died and then unfortunately Mahesh Babu becaome CM. Then he realize that our politics is like pothole and then he divided that he must improve our system and he start fighting with honesty.
# Generally we see Mahesh Babu in full of action roll but in this In this movie Mahesh Babu played a politician character and he do full justice with his roll. His performance so very nice and leading lady Kaira Advanie is also play very well a CM girlfriends roll.
# If talking about Music of this movie in my point of view its just ok-ok. Its just on time leasing.
# In many movie we seen this kind of story but its different from other. In this movie trying to shown that our education system is in very poor condition and how a young CM trying to improve it. Basically cinematography of this movie based on our politic.