Have you heard of a Bollywood movie which is remake of a seriaal ?The obvisious answer is NO, but soon you will see a movie which is a remake of Baap of all daily soaps.Now stop guessing I am talking about our respected Big Boss.
As revealed by Saas Bahu Sajish a daily show on Star News which brings out inner gossips.Actor cum Director & one of the participants in Big Boss Mr. Deepak Tijori has declared that he is planning to make a movie on Big Boss.The movie will be directed by Deepak himself & all the participants in Big Boss will act in the movie.Who knows Deepak is saying so , inorder to gain publicity but if he sincerely planning than it is a Big news for all the contestants in Big Boss.
According to me Deepak will highlight on Aryan & Anupamas love story , Ragini will be part of Love triangle , Deepak will himself act as common friend, Baba Saigal will compose & sing , Rakhi will dance, but what about other contestants.Think about them? Who knows your suggestion may help Deepak Bhai in making a movie better than Tom Dick & Harry.
As a renouned Investment Consultant I would like to suggest Mr. Deepak Tijori please do not invest your time, energy & money on this movie infact invest money on improving your communication skills & still you want to make movie on Big Boss than Deepak Bhai Zara Soch Samaj kar Kadam Bhadana.
With Regards,
Investment Consultant,
Saurabh Mittal